
Python Morsels Exercise

Context manager that suppresses specific exceptions

3 bonuses 9 hints 18 solutions 566 users solved 45 reviews

I'd like you to create a context manager. Context managers use a with block to bookend a block of code with automatic setup and tear down steps.

Your context manager, suppress, should suppress exceptions of a given type:

>>> with suppress(NameError):
...     print("Hi!")
...     print("It's nice to meet you,", name)
...     print("Goodbye!")
>>> x = 0
>>> with suppress(ValueError):
...     x = int('hello')
>>> x

But exceptions of other types shouldn't be suppressed (we're suppressing a TypeError and a NameError is raised):

>>> with suppress(TypeError):
...     print("Hi!")
...     print("It's nice to meet you,", name)
...     print("Goodbye!")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 3, in <module>
NameError: name 'name' is not defined

What I mean by "suppress" is that if the given exception type is raised, that exception should be caught and muted in a sense. As is common in other exception-handling in Python, child classes of the given exception type should be caught and muted as well.

To solve this exercise, you'll want to lookup how to create a context manager in Python.

Bonus 1

This is just a preview of the problem statement.

This exercise includes 3 bonuses and 9 hint links.

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