New Python Screencasts

Python Morsels currently includes 190 screencasts (each is about 3 minutes long). I publish one or two new screencasts each week. The most recently published screencasts are at the top of this page.

See the screencast series page to navigate screencasts by topic.

Don't like watching videos? That's okay! Every screencast includes a transcript. So you can think of these screencasts as mini articles!

Multiline comments in Python
Python's http.server module
Unnecessary else statements
Standard error
List slicing in Python
The contextmanager decorator
The list insert method
Practical uses of sets
None in Python
Using the Python REPL
Chained comparisons in Python
zip with different length iterables

Watch a new Python screencast every week

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My name is Trey Hunner. I do corporate Python training for teams and I teach Python online through Python Morsels.

In Python Morsels, I publish a new Python screencast every week.

If you want to learn something new every week, join Python Morsels!

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