
Python, like many programming languages, has functions. A function is a block of code you can call to run that code. Code that's inside a function isn't executed until you call the function.

Python comes with many built-in functions, but you can also define your own functions with the def statement. Pretty much every Python Morsels exercise will involve writing at least one function.

Python's functions often have a lot of "wait I didn't know that" features. You can specify default arguments when defining a function, you can use keyword arguments when calling a function, you can capture any number of arguments given to your function using the * and ** operators, and you can define "keyword-only arguments" using * also.

Python has first-class functions, which means functions are just another object in Python: our functions can be passed into or returned from other functions. You can even write a function that creates another function.

A "lambda function" is Python's flavor of an anonymous function. I try to avoid using lambda expressions personally.

We often use the word callable in Python to refer to something which can be called. A function is a callable but a class is also a callable (you can use parenthesis, (), to call either one). We also frequently use the word "function" to refer to classes (and sometimes other callable non-functions). Almost one-third of the Python built-in functions are actually classes (str, int, list, zip, bool, enumerate are all classes for example).

You'll also hear the word "method" used in Python. A "method" is a function that lives on a class (see the classes section below).

Recursion is also something we use occasionally in Python, but we typically only use it in a few specific classes of problems (often iterating over arbitrarily nested data structures).

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