New Python Screencasts

Python Morsels currently includes 190 screencasts (each is about 3 minutes long). I publish one or two new screencasts each week. The most recently published screencasts are at the top of this page.

See the screencast series page to navigate screencasts by topic.

Don't like watching videos? That's okay! Every screencast includes a transcript. So you can think of these screencasts as mini articles!

Representing binary data with bytes
Overloading equality in Python
Making a lazy attribute
Convert a list to a string in Python
Positional-only function arguments
Unpacking iterables into iterables
Unpacking iterables into function arguments
Extended iterable unpacking
Importing everything from a module
Modules are cached
File-like objects in Python
Printing to a file

Watch a new Python screencast every week

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My name is Trey Hunner. I do corporate Python training for teams and I teach Python online through Python Morsels.

In Python Morsels, I publish a new Python screencast every week.

If you want to learn something new every week, join Python Morsels!

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